Larick Model 410 Shaper/Sander

Larick Model 410 Shaper/Sander

Contact us for price

Location:Dundee, NY


Designed and manufactured to give years of dependable service, the Larick 410 will shape and sand a wide variety of workpieces.

Features include a 6” wide feed chain with four staggered rows of hold-down tires

• front adjusting handwheels with digital readouts for horizontal and vertical shaper and sander positions

• AC inverter controlled variable speed for shaper, sanders, and feed featuring digital readouts for speed and load

• Floating heads are optional which allow shaping and sanding of arched panels.

The user-friendly design makes setup and profile changeovers quick and easy.


  •  AC inverter controlled variable speed for Shaper, Sanders, and Feed
  • NEW, easy-to-use touchscreen displays RPM and Load for each motor
  • Shaper brake is standard for safer operation
  • Backlit LCD screen with adjustable height swivels to provide for a better view.
  • 208-230 or 460 volt/3PH/50-60 HZ


  • 71/2 HP Shaper Motor
  • Variable speed from 4000 to 7000 RPM
  • Horizontal and Vertical adj with digital position indicators
  • 11/4” spindle dia., 4” to 7” dia. cutter capacity
  • Optional: floating head for shaping arched panels
  • 5 adjustable preset fence positions
  • “Chipbreaker” fence almost eliminates splintering without a messy, costly, 2nd hogging shaper
  • Push bar to feed arched panels squarely


  • Two sanding stations with 1” counter rotating spindles
  • 2 HP motors, 400 to 1800 RPM variable speed
  • Each station tilts forward 60o and backward 40o
  • Horizontal and verticle adj. with digital position indicators
  • Air jet cleaning/cooling devices at each station


  • 6 inch wide heavy duty track with 4 staggered rows of hold down tires for part stability
  • 3/4 HP feed motor, 0 to 20 FPM
  • 14-1/2” wide table for product support
  • Handles workpieces up to 13/4” thick
  • Will accommodate up to 9” diameter sanding wheels
  • Optional: Floating heads for sanding arched panels


Model410 Shaper/Sander
Shaper Motor7.5 HP Belt Driven
Shaper Spindle Speed4000-7000 rpm
Shaper Spindle1-¼" Dia.
Sander Motors1.5 HP Direct Drive
Sander Spindle Speed400-1800 rpm
Sander Spindles1" Dia. by 4" Tall
Conveyor 6" Wide, 4 rows of tires
Vertical AdjustmentYes, with digital counters
Horizontal AdjustmentYes, with digital counters
Sanding Wheel Tilt60º Forward; 40º Back
Fence5 adjustable stops
Table Height36 inches
Size 75" x 36" x 54"
Weight1325 lbs
